Friday, October 8, 2010

JSP Syntax (7) - Taglib Directive

Taglib Directive
Define a custom tag library and its prefix label.

JSP syntax

<% @ Taglib uri = "URIToTagLibrary" prefix = "tagPrefix"%>


<% @ Taglib uri = "" prefix = "public"%>



<% @ Taglib%> directive statement in this JSP file uses a custom tag, and tag library reference, it specifies their tag prefix.

Here the custom tag contains sub-tags and elements. Because JSP files can be converted to XML, so understanding the link between tag and element is important. Label only in the sense of a point was raised the mark, is part of JSP elements. JSP elements are part of the JSP syntax, and XML as a start tag and end tag. Element can contain other text, markup, element. For example, a jsp: plugin element has start tag and closing tag can also have and elements.

You must use a custom label before use <% @ taglib%> directive, and you can use many times a page, but the prefix can only be used once


uri = "URIToTagLibrary"
Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) prefix on the label custom label name only, URI can be the following contents:

Uniform Resource Locator (URL), defined by the RFC 2396, see

Uniform Resource Name (URN), defined by the RFC 2396

A relative or absolute path
prefix = "tagPrefix"
Prior to the custom tag prefix, for example, in the public, if not here to write public, then this is illegal. Please do not use jsp, jspx, java, javax, servlet, sun, and as you prefix sunw

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